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Pandawa Beach - Beautiful Beach Located Behind Cliffs on the Island of Bali

Pandawa Beach - Beautiful Beach Located Behind Cliffs on the Island of Bali

Pandawa Beach (Photo: Balifantastic.com)

The tourist area on the island of Bali Pandawa Beach as one of the tourist sites which is strategically located occupies a tourist path in the direction of travel to Uluwatu, and is located in the village of Kutuh, District of South Kutas, Kab. Badung, so it is also known as the Kutuh beach.

Before the natural attractions of the Pandawa beach is famous, by foreign tourists better known as the Secret Beach, because it is located hidden behind a hill. But after there is access to the entrance by splitting the hill, the beautiful nature of this hidden beach is becoming increasingly famous, especially with the presence of limestone cliffs formed after making the road.

Pandawa Beach (Photo: https://www.water-sport-bali.com)

Bali Pandawa Beach Tourism Object and Pandawa Statue

The distinctive feature of this tourist area in Bali is the existence of a Pandawa family statue on a limestone cliff, waiting for your arrival before arriving at Pandawa beach. Admission is adequate and there is a large parking area, can accommodate cars and even tour buses. Now the Pandawa coast is the most famous and amazing tourist area in the southern Bali region.

Just entering the upper area, which is the access road to Pandawa Beach, you can prove the natural charm of the beach which lay beautifully before the eyes, from a distance seen a number of tourists flying by participating in recreation paragliding from the height of Kutuh. Hill. The natural allure of the beaches in this region is indeed presented admirably and charming, so it is not surprising that Pandawa Beach is a mandatory tourist destination on the island of Bali.

Pandawa Beach (Photo: Pinterest.com/LavaMilia)

Clean the white sandy beach, the waves are also calm with clear water, makes it possible for tourists, to swim, sunbathe or relax under the beach umbrella while proving the beautiful natural scenery of the sea and feel the fresh air of the beach far from pollution, the cliffs that surround this beach also add to its allure. Beach attractions on the island of Bali are not only famous and ideal for adults but also suitable for your children during family holidays.


In this beach area is also ideal for water sports recreation, one of which is canoe recreation, there are many canoe rental service providers on the beach. If you want a complete list of water sports games, you can visit the tourist attraction of Tanjung Benoa.


In the tourist area of ​​Pandawa Beach there are also many food and beverage shops at affordable prices, fresh young coconut water, a favorite choice for tourists who are feeling the hot sun. the length of this beach is about 1 km facing south, along the beach there are beautiful beach umbrellas lined up.


Bali Pandawa Beach which was once dominated by foreign tourists, is now even more visited by local tourists, especially when the holidays arrive and the new year, you can feel how enthusiastic tourists can feel closer to their beauty.

Pandawa Beach (Photo: Instagram.com/Pandawabeach)

Coming with children to the beach will provide an interesting experience for them, the best time is when the sun begins to weaken, such as in the morning or evening, because in the afternoon the beach area feels hot, but don't worry there are a number of shelter, including umbrellas beach that you can rent, so you can feel more comfortable.


Pandawa Beach does have a number of complete facilities, in addition to extensive parking, there are food and beverage stalls, restaurants, toilets, cell phone rentals, wantilan shelters, canoe rental providers and also spas for a soothing massage. Tours on the island of Bali, especially in the South Bali region, then this tourist destination is highly recommended.

Pandawa Beach (Photo: Instagram.com/Pandawabeach)

How to Visit Bali Pandawa Beach Tourism Objects

On the island of Bali, there are many choices of transportation vehicles that can take tourists to tourist destinations. You can rent a motorbike, rent a car in Bali, rent a taxi or choose a pre-packed tour package by visiting Pandawa beach.


From Ngurah Rai airport to get to the Pandawa beach tourism area, it takes around 45 minutes to drive. Take directions to Uluwatu, about 1 km after the GWK tourist area, at the intersection, then turn left, find the direction of the road to the village of Kutuh, in this village there are road directions that direct you to Pandawa beach tourism area.


If you hesitate to be able to find the location of the Pandawa beach, it is advisable to rent a car in Bali with the driver, because our driver already understands the map to various tourist attractions in Bali.


Visiting Pandawa Beach You can also visit other places, in a full day tour with a duration of 10-12 hours, you can start with the tourist area of ​​Tanjung Benoa, GWK then Pandawa Beach, Uluwatu and finally to Jimbaran.


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